Addiction resource websites courtesy of Julie Turner, a student at the University of Wyoming:

  • Addiction Resource, which raises awareness of the usage and impact of alcohol on college students.
  • Vaping on Campus, which raises awareness of the usage and impact of e-cigarettes/vape pens on college students.

Addiction Hope Resources courtesy of Emily Carter, Community Outreach Specialist with the Center on Addiction:

  • Addiction HopeTracker, which is a free 10-session crash course on alcohol and drug addiction which contains a social community where individuals can get help while remaining anonymous.
  • Information on Addiction, which is a quiz that tests your knowledge of addiction and how to help a loved one.
  • Addiction Recovery, which provides comprehensive information about addiction recovery.
  • On the Wagonwhich allows individuals to locate a local drug rehab facility and has advanced searching parameters such as; low-income, LGBT, etc.

American Addiction Centers (AAC) resources courtesy of Jenna Haynes, Outreach Specialist with